Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cupid Photos

I have been slacking of late on our blog - but with good reason. We have been sick - Maisie, Max and I have had colds, Max an ear infection and Maisie pneumonia. We have been focusing on survival - blog takes a back seat. :o)
We are hopefully on the mend and have a couple of cute pictures from yesterday.
Maisie in her Valentine's red that Max bought her for Christmas.

This shirt is so appropriate for him - he smiles and plays shy with all the ladies wherever we are.

Aww Sissie - Max loves to hug his Maisie. The only thing Maisie minds is the "slobber kisses".

Daddy recieved his Valentine a bit early this year - we can never wait with surprises or keep a secret. Brian rated 2 Ariel Valentines and a heart full of peppermints and Dove chocoloates. Daddy better not leave his Valentine unattended - I caught Maisie eating one of his Dove chocolates this morning. She might take after her mother, just a bit!

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