Thursday, February 28, 2008

Princess Flower Girl

Maisie is very excited that my cousin Zach and his wife Danielle have asked her to be the flower girl in their upcoming wedding. Zach and Danielle were married three years ago in Gatlinburg when he returned from his first tour in Iraq. They are having a Catholic wedding mass and reception on their anniversary this year, April 25th. Here are some pictures of our flower girl dress shopping last week.

This was her favorite dress, when she had it on. When she put the next dress on, it was her favorite too. Hard to blame her, she looks so cute in both of them!

Maisie in "the dress" while Danielle admires her impressive selection of flower girls.

This is the dress that we all agreed on. Lilac sash will match the "big girls" in the wedding. It is also good to know that Maisie will be able to jump in this dress if called upon. She practices by jumping, in her dress, from one platform to the next at the dress store.

The back of the dress (obviously) but have you ever seen a butt bow look so cute?!?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Maisie takes Max for a spin

Maisie caught Max by the bottom of his jammies and took him for a spin. Check out the video.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cupid Photos

I have been slacking of late on our blog - but with good reason. We have been sick - Maisie, Max and I have had colds, Max an ear infection and Maisie pneumonia. We have been focusing on survival - blog takes a back seat. :o)
We are hopefully on the mend and have a couple of cute pictures from yesterday.
Maisie in her Valentine's red that Max bought her for Christmas.

This shirt is so appropriate for him - he smiles and plays shy with all the ladies wherever we are.

Aww Sissie - Max loves to hug his Maisie. The only thing Maisie minds is the "slobber kisses".

Daddy recieved his Valentine a bit early this year - we can never wait with surprises or keep a secret. Brian rated 2 Ariel Valentines and a heart full of peppermints and Dove chocoloates. Daddy better not leave his Valentine unattended - I caught Maisie eating one of his Dove chocolates this morning. She might take after her mother, just a bit!